shin tech

I finaly bought my dream keyboard

LTNS guys 👋

So this post is about two things.

1: why I didn’t post blog for a long time

2: bought a best keyboard (used)

1: why I did’t post long time.

So it’s embarrassing. I was in a final exam season and I had to be look-in bcs so far score were bad.

But some how , I didn’t fail any class. Let’s go.

I was happy to did that. I am going to study since next grade I wanna be same me

And I stared youtube channel about my study and etc. I added my its account link.

yeah, that the main reason of it.

2: (main) bought a best keyboard (used)

So I want this keyboard since almost 1 year ago.

This keyboard name is “moonlender”

I think it’s famous.

I but brand new one is expensive asf. It’s already expensive but also there is money order.


Yes, I bought at yahoo freemarket which is like ebay in Japan.

I bought it in 1/23

how much was it? 25000JPY (convert it to any foreign money)

But you can’t know scale of it. brand new one is 67000JPY


But you might think “it’s super nasty” , “it’s broken”.

No it wasn’t. super clean and work perfectly.

It doesn’t have any scratch.


And there was no missed thing.

If let me say something I wanted black one. Bcs whlite one can’t keep clean.

Why did you want it?

Well it’s simple first time I see this keyboard at Leon Si instagram.

His github bio (

I don’t use instagram now, it’s almost one year ago anyway…

And I was troubled by back pain.

Every time after some coding session, other work session. I was like

“damn my back is painful as f. What’s the hell I can do against this !!”

so let me say “99% keyboards in this keyboard is this world are not designed for human”

When you use normal keyboard we need to straighten my wrists while leaning my arms inward.

This cause shrimp posture.

But split keyboard prevent this.

So I can type without back pain and neck pain.

And there one more reason.

Keys are zigzag

What do you mean ?

well , our finger except thumb move only up and down, paper of rock.

Can’t move to left , right.

but look at many keyboard’s keys.

look at Q and A key there aren’t on same line.

But this keyboard every keys are on same line.



This keyboard can custom anything you want in website.

link (


This keyboard position is the best to work long time.



If you think buy a new keyboard. I really recomend this one.

If you can’t pay for work tools… ???? you can’t be 10x dev.